Monday, June 1, 2009

WebMethods configuration for mysql

Following configuration at webmethods end for mysql:

  • Before configuring mysql in webmethods download java-mysql connector from MySql Connectors Link
  • Downloaded file will be mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar (depending on MySql version support).
  • Place this file in directory path as shown below
  • 'webmethods_dir_path\IntegrationServer\lib\jars\mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar'
  • Go to administrator page of webMethods and click on about link.
  • You must see in above jar file in 'Server Classpath' list.
Configuring JDBC adapter:
To use JDBC adapter in webMethods for MySql do following configuration.
  • Transaction Type : LOCAL_TRANSACTION
  • DataSource Class : com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource
  • server name : here you specify server ip
  • user : user name of MySql database
  • password : password for above user
  • Retype password : Retype above password again.
  • database name : Name of the database in MySql.
  • portNumber : Port on which MySql database is accessible remotely.
Save above configuration.
Now you are able to use MySql JDBC connection.

Configuration for WmDB:
  • Alias : Give any name to MySql alias of your choice.
  • DB URL : jdbc:mysql://SERVER_IP:3306/test
Most of the times port is 3306 which is default for MySql, kindly check for port address. Change SERVER_IP to server ip address.
  • DB Username : user name of MySql database
  • DB Password : password for above user
  • DB Driver : com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
All other settings keep as appered as default seetings.

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