Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SPNEGO authentication is not supported on this client. firefox Internet explorer configuration

Configuring SPNEGO ( Integrated Windows Authentication ) on mozilla firefox:

Enter following address in mozilla firefox web browser

It will open warning page saying changing these setting might void warranty.
Click on I'll be careful, I promise!

In Filter field enter network.nego
This will list down preferences starting with network.nego*

Change value of network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris to http://,https://
Change value of network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris to http://,https://
Its done!

Configuring SPNEGO ( Integrated Windows Authentication ) on Internet Explorer:
  1. At the desktop, log in to the windows active directory domain.
  2. Activate Internet Explorer.
  3. In the Internet Explorer window, click Tools > Internet Options > Security tab.
  4. Select the Local intranet icon and click Sites.
  5. In the Local intranet window, ensure that the "check box" to include all local (intranet) not listed in other zones is selected, then click Advanced.
  6. In the Local intranet window, fill in the Add this Web site to the zone field with the Web address of the host name so that the single sign-on (SSO) can be enabled to the list Web sites shown in the Web sites field. Your site information technology staff provides this information. Click OK to complete this step and close the Local intranet window.
  7. On the Internet Options window, click the Advanced tab and scroll to Security settings. Ensure that the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart) box is selected.
  8. Click OK. Restart your Microsoft Internet Explorer to activate this configuration.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Create Measurement Document using BAPI RFC



RFC Measurement document: Individual processing, Create


This RFC enables the following remote calls for creating measurement documents:

  • Remote dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = 'X')
  • API without Dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = ' ')

The session "Create with dialog" can be used for the correction of incorrect data records (compare with processing in the foreground for incorrect batch input sessions).

You can use the parameter CREATE_NOTIFICATION to determine whether another maintenance notification should be created for the measurement document.

If a notification is to be created, a notification type that is set in Customizing of the target system can be assigned, using the parameter NOTIFICATION_TYPE. The standard notification type M2 = Malfunction report is preassigned.

Additionally, the notification can be assigned a priority that also has to be set in Customizing of the target system.

The following data can be copied into the notification from the measurement document or the measuring point:

  • Measuring point object of the measuring point (functional location or equipment)
  • The field Assembly for the measuring point (should be included in the bill of material of the measuring point object)
  • Measurement time in the field Malfunction start (date and time) of the notification
  • Counter-reader in the field Notifier of the notification
  • Short text
  • Valuation code, as long as its catalog type is the same as the catalog type defined in Customizing for Problems (V_TQ80_C-FEKAT) of the respective notification type.
Click here for more information on Plant Maintenance.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

SAP Quick Cut and Paste for fast copying text

This functionality gives advantage of selecting the text with mouse and it will get copied on clipboard.

Following are the steps to enable "Quick Cut and Paste" in SAP -:

On standard tool bar, there is a button called "Customize Local Layout".

Alt+F12 is shortcut for this button.

Click on "Quick Cut and Paste" option.

Tick will appear next to this option.

Shortcut is Alt+F12+Q to enable and disable this option.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

work area is not too long enough SAP ABAP

You may receive this error in SAP ABAP workbench.

Updating ZTABLE is throwing this error.

Change INTERNAL_TABLE structure to ZTABLE structure.

data: INTERNAL_TABLE like table of ZTABLE,
         WORK_AREA like line of INTERNAL_TABLE.

modify ZTABLE from table INTERNAL_TABLE .
insert ZTABLE from WORK_AREA. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Edit SAP table records

Editing SAP standard tables is a bad practice.
This edit method can be used with custome tables (ZTables).


1) Go to transaction SE16N or alternatively use shortcut and type just ‘N’. Enter here the table that you wish to edit.
SE16N or just N 

2) In the command field enter ‘&SAP_EDIT’ and press enter. The maintenance indicator in SE16N will switch on.
Command field entry 

3) Narrow your search results by entering selection criteria and press F8 to run the report.

4) You can remove lines or just add/change data and press save.

&SAP_EDIT - SE16N - Table results

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Changing default workspace in Eclipse

Default workspace configuration will be available in config.ini file.

To locate the file, follow this path
*directory where eclipse is installed*\Eclipse\configuration
here you will find config.ini file.

Change following parameter:
osgi.instance.area.default=C\:\\your project directory path\\workspace

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Calling function module from new task in SAP ABAP

clear: f_flag.
call function 'CLOI_CHANGES_UPL_31'
starting new task 'CLOI_TEST'
performing receive_res on end of task
cloi_if_par = ls_cloi_if_par_v2
cloi_ordi_imp = lt_cloi_ordi
cloi_method_log_exp = lt_cloi_methods_exp
cloi_message_log_exp = t_cloi_messages_exp
cloi_msg_obj_log_exp = lt_cloi_msg_obj_log_exp
cloi_ord_exp = t_cloi_ord_exp.

* wait till the global variable will be set by our form
wait until f_flag = 'X'.

This is the form that is used to receive results and signalize
the end of processing:

form receive_res using taskname.

data: lt_cloi_msg_obj_log_exp type standard table of cloimoblog,
lt_cloi_methods_exp type standard table of cloimetlog.

receive results from function 'CLOI_CHANGES_UPL_31'
cloi_method_log_exp = lt_cloi_methods_exp
cloi_message_log_exp = t_cloi_messages_exp
cloi_msg_obj_log_exp = lt_cloi_msg_obj_log_exp
cloi_ord_exp = t_cloi_ord_exp.

f_flag = 'X'.


Note: 'importing' function module is not possible here.