Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Calling function module from new task in SAP ABAP

clear: f_flag.
call function 'CLOI_CHANGES_UPL_31'
starting new task 'CLOI_TEST'
performing receive_res on end of task
cloi_if_par = ls_cloi_if_par_v2
cloi_ordi_imp = lt_cloi_ordi
cloi_method_log_exp = lt_cloi_methods_exp
cloi_message_log_exp = t_cloi_messages_exp
cloi_msg_obj_log_exp = lt_cloi_msg_obj_log_exp
cloi_ord_exp = t_cloi_ord_exp.

* wait till the global variable will be set by our form
wait until f_flag = 'X'.

This is the form that is used to receive results and signalize
the end of processing:

form receive_res using taskname.

data: lt_cloi_msg_obj_log_exp type standard table of cloimoblog,
lt_cloi_methods_exp type standard table of cloimetlog.

receive results from function 'CLOI_CHANGES_UPL_31'
cloi_method_log_exp = lt_cloi_methods_exp
cloi_message_log_exp = t_cloi_messages_exp
cloi_msg_obj_log_exp = lt_cloi_msg_obj_log_exp
cloi_ord_exp = t_cloi_ord_exp.

f_flag = 'X'.


Note: 'importing' function module is not possible here.

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