Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Create Measurement Document using BAPI RFC



RFC Measurement document: Individual processing, Create


This RFC enables the following remote calls for creating measurement documents:

  • Remote dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = 'X')
  • API without Dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = ' ')

The session "Create with dialog" can be used for the correction of incorrect data records (compare with processing in the foreground for incorrect batch input sessions).

You can use the parameter CREATE_NOTIFICATION to determine whether another maintenance notification should be created for the measurement document.

If a notification is to be created, a notification type that is set in Customizing of the target system can be assigned, using the parameter NOTIFICATION_TYPE. The standard notification type M2 = Malfunction report is preassigned.

Additionally, the notification can be assigned a priority that also has to be set in Customizing of the target system.

The following data can be copied into the notification from the measurement document or the measuring point:

  • Measuring point object of the measuring point (functional location or equipment)
  • The field Assembly for the measuring point (should be included in the bill of material of the measuring point object)
  • Measurement time in the field Malfunction start (date and time) of the notification
  • Counter-reader in the field Notifier of the notification
  • Short text
  • Valuation code, as long as its catalog type is the same as the catalog type defined in Customizing for Problems (V_TQ80_C-FEKAT) of the respective notification type.
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